For days they walked on the bumpy ground and had to sleep standing like
this. There was not much food and the penguins were weakened. They lost weight
and didn't have much energy. Even the widow was not happy that she was finally getting slim.
Singing naughty songs didn't help any more. The leader sent the 2 bachelors and
the adolescent out to explore.
They had to wait a long time until the 3 penguins finally came back. The
group was already half asleep.
"We have a house, a real house," shouted the 3 penguins from
afar. And they came running
enthusiastically. “And there is also water nearby”
The group woke up a bit drowsy and hardly responded.
"With a real roof though!" cried the adolescent. Still little
"It's only a 2-hour walk," said the bachelor, and thought to
himself, "but with that stumbling widow and that stupid egg, it'll be
almost 3 hours."
It finally dawned on the leader that this was really good news.
He started enthusiastic a pep talk to his group.
Slowly life began to come into the group and
they were getting ready to set off again.
You can read this story from the beginning by clicking on the dates at the bottom of the page.
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