maandag 1 maart 2021



 Soon the party will be on, so everyone is in an uproar.
The frogs have gone for a long walk and swim and have been asked to stay away for a long time.
 Nice places were made of all the furniture they could find.

There is a gift table with so many gifts! Adolescent and the little one are watching and touching them all the time. How curious they are!

There is also a chess table with 2 chairs. That is for the grandfathers of de Lauwerkrans.
And it smells so great again. The penguins can hardly wait. The bachelors told the grandmothers that frogs prefer to eat fish and so they prepared that delicious fish dish again .
Could they have said that frogs eat insects?
No, that's gross!

A welcome song is made. At first they wanted to do it to the melody of  “On the bank of the river”, but that is such a sad song that they have just made it to the tune of “1, 2, 3, 4 hat made of paper”. A nice and simple nursery rhyme.

Suddenly the widow says: "we have forgotten to invite the lady of the ASC".
Oh dear. "Well, let’s not invite her, " growl the bachelors.
"No, we can't do that," says serious, I'll call her.

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 The penguin men also felt bad about the cool reception the frogs had received. They said to each other, "come on, let's see them." And so the leader, serious and adolescent went to the neighbours.

They soon had a very pleasant conversation. Those frogs turned out to be not that scary at all and actually quite common.

And when 2 grandpas from de Lauwerkrans came to visit a little later, it became very animated.
The frogs told that the mother had been eaten by a stork shortly after Finn's birth .
The penguins told about their disaster and the grandfathers asked if the frogs wanted to come to de Lauwerkrans.

"We have a very nice craft club," said one grandfather, we make everything ourselves  and we even have a train track. "
Or do you play bridge? We also have a fine bridge club ”.
But the frogs did not like crafts and they had never heard of bridge. And when it was explained to them they did not feel for that either.

 They loved nature. They took long walks and knew every flower and insect. They liked to go to the waterfront to take a dip. "We do too," cried the penguins . They loved the prospect of swimming together.
So that appointment was made quickly. Will you come too, grandpas? But no, the grandfathers did not like swimming and a long walk was no longer doable.

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